MetaGame™. 90 days to Exceptional Breakthroughs

Attention: Reaching a new level and achieving massive success in life, career, and business is now more possible than ever!


 On February 18, the MetaGame™ online program begins! 
Seats are limited—claim yours now!

Attention: Reaching a new level and achieving massive success in life, career, and business is now more possible than ever!


 On February 18, the MetaGame™ online program begins! 
Seats are limited—claim yours now!
Overwhelmed by uncertainty and want to escape the world's craziness?

Start achieving what you always wanted to accomplish in life and/or business.

Keep reading, and you will see how this program can impact your life in only 90 days!
Mykola Latansky
Creator of MetaGame™
With all the turmoil in the world—starting with the pandemic in 2020 and continuing with wars, regime changes, and economic turbulence—we’ve all faced significant stress. No matter how wealthy a nation is, economies have plummeted, businesses have struggled, and countless people have lost their jobs and income. Some have lost their health, and others have suffered the unimaginable loss of loved ones.
Many have lost hope and maybe feeling desperate. The future doesn't look as bright as it once was. How long will the depression last? Nobody knows—it can be one year, another two, three, or even more years.

But what we know for sure is if we stay in the "depression" mode and continue to live in the negative thought pattern focusing on what we "do not want", we may ultimately destroy ourselves and shorten our life expectancy. We may slowly but surely affect ourselves: mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Knowing all this, we understand that we must reignite ourselves and start believing in ourselves again!

We can turn the adversity of turbulent times into something more powerful.

We can come out of this crisis stronger than we ever were!

For this reason, we developed a highly effective personal development program called MetaGame™ — a 90-day online program to achieve exceptional breakthroughs.

In the next 90 days, you will leave ANY negativity behind and have your entire focus on creating exclusively what you DO want to have in your life.

Achieve what you truly deserve to have, be and do with your life and/or business!

Bringing together the experience of working with people worldwide in the last 18 years, we’ve designed this program that brings about personal transformation on the deepest levels and employs the highly supportive environment of participants from all over the world.

MetaGame™ uses advanced tools for reformatting and shifting your mindset so that you can accomplish all that you want and desire in your life and/or business.

Up until now we had participants from over 30 countries from North America to Europe and Asia and beyond. We already know how MetaGame™ is a game-changer for all who play it: mentally, emotionally, and monetarily!

If you were looking to overcome challenges and clarify your goals in life this is where you need to be.

Learn how MetaGame™ will transform your life and/or business for the better!


MetaGame™ lasts only 90 days. However, from our 18 years of experience working with people in more than 70 counties on four continents, we can guarantee you the following:
  • Be surrounded by a highly supportive and encouraging environment
  • Gain momentum and become unstoppable
  • Become more disciplined and start putting first things first
  • Achieve important goals you were always postponing
  • See a clear picture of what it is you truly want to make of your life in the next 1, 3, 5, and more years
  • Develop a working plan to achieve big goals you always wanted to achieve, and will lay a solid foundation for your highly successful future
  • Form habits that will bring you to your new heights on autopilot
  • Become a person you were meant to be
  • You will experience a higher level of consciousness.

Jack Canfield, New York Times best selling author about Mykola Latansky


To better understand, Facebook didn't create, nor does it own the word "Meta." This Greek word has existed in the English language since the 16th century.

"Meta" has several meanings, but the one we chose this word for is "something about something".

The same way a digital picture as a set of pixels (data) has its metadata — information about the size, format and the location where the picture was taken, MetaGame™ — is a game about games we play in life and business.

We all play games — moreover, every one of us plays the major Game called "Life."

"How you do anything is how you do everything"— T. Harv Eker

Depending on what strategies we use to play the game of our life, it is reflected in the results we achieve.

Using the exclusive tools of MetaGame™ in the next 90 days, you will become an observer of your strategies and tactics. You will learn what helps you and what prohibits you from achieving the results you always dreamt of. You will raise your self-awareness and will be able to change consciously ANY destructive behavior for advancing yourself.


MetaGame™ is for those ready to think big and make real progress.

If you don’t believe in overnight success but want a powerful system to maximize your resources, boost your effectiveness, and achieve your biggest goals—this is for you.

With the right approach, you can go further, faster, and accomplish exponentially more in less time.


  1. For the next 90 days, you will choose one big goal that is very important for you to achieve.
  2. To make sure you achieve what you desire to succeed, you will learn how to determine your daily one thing that will bring you forward as soon as possible.
  3. To ensure you don't lose focus on other essential things in your life, you will create a list of genius habits for daily practice.
  4. So that you can see your own and other participants' progress, we have a unique scorecard that will encourage and motivate you to do what you must do daily.
  5. You will be strongly supported by your coach — Mykola Latansky — during coaching classes where you will work on your challenges, limiting beliefs, self-doubts, etc. Each class is recorded for easy access.
  6. Your accountability partner — another participant will become your active partner in your daily action plan.
  7. You will be equipped with essential knowledge and practical tools during 13 powerful lessons over 90 days.
  8. You will be led in ten powerful guided visualisations.


What constantly moves highly successful people forward and makes them achieve significant heights, again and again, is the clear understanding of the big goals they want to accomplish in the next 1, 3, 5 or more years.

Most people don't have a list of what they want to accomplish and, therefore, never achieve significant results.
Here are some of the big goals Mykola Latansky, creator of MetaGame™, is using this program to achieve:
  1. Become an influential spiritual leader.
  2. Spread the Genialism™ teachings throughout the world.
  3. Advise governments and presidents of countries.
  4. Write and publish the books The Art of Big Goals, Genius Inside You, The Power of Transparency, How to Sell Without Selling, The Magic Power of Questions, etc., and make them bestsellers.
  5. Learn Arabic and Spanish.
  6. Work as a speaker, trainer, and coach in the English and Arabic-speaking markets.
  7. Become a dollar millionaire in cryptocurrency.
  8. Set a record in swimming.
  9. Reduce weight to 96 kg.
  10. Visit 200+ countries and territories.

For the next 90 days, you will set one big goal you want to achieve, and will get all the tools of MetaGame™ assisting you in achieving it.

"First we create our habits then habits create us" — Jim Bunch
When we speak about big goals such as learning a new language, earning a degree, losing 50 pounds of weight — that are impossible to achieve overnight, the only way to reach them is through consistent actions.

Imagine how your life can changed for the better if you could:
  1. Meditate for one hour daily.
  2. Learn 20 new words in a foreign language every day.
  3. Study your area of expertise for one hour.
  4. Write a book for one hour a daily.
  5. Work on building a stronger platform for your business.
  6. Write a post for your blog record a podcast on a regular basis.
  7. Make cold calls and meet with prospective clients.
  8. Expand network of business connections.
  9. Record stories for social media.
  10. Read popular science magazines.
  11. Read educational books.
  12. Exercise daily and/or walk 10,000 steps.
  13. Practice intermittent fasting.
  14. Take dietary supplements.
  15. Go to bed at 10:00 pm and wake up at 6:00 am.

What could have happened to your life if you had a system that would inspire you to make the above consistently and on a regular basis?

If you use MetaGame™ and learn 20 new words of a foreign language daily it will sum up to 1,800 words in three months, writing two pages a day will give your 180 pages of your book by the end of MetaGame™, studying your area of expertise for just one hour daily will bring about 90 hours of consistent study which is on average four times longer than time required for the discipline at the university.


"We are all in the game and the only way to lose it is to quit" — Jim Bunch, creator of the Ultimate Game of Life
If we want to create irreversible changes, we need to make sure we stick to new habits for at least 90 days.

Many people believe that forming a new habit takes only 21 days, which is no more than a myth. If only 21 days were necessary to reprogram our actions, we all would quickly learn new languages, go to the gym, and have healthy eating habits, but this is so far from reality.

Try to recall the last time you decided: "This will be the last time I commit to the gym, and I will do it three times a week!".
The highest possibility of us giving up starts precisely after three weeks in any new endeavour and lasts for about three months. If only we could surpass these three months, we would have a higher probability of forming a new habit.

This is why most coaching programs last for 90 days or more. Twenty-one days are seldom enough for the significant shift needed to happen.


"What can't be measured can't be improved" — Keith Cunnigham
To keep you better focused on your 90-days goal and the genius habits you practice every day, we designed a scorecard — that will keep you focused for the next 90 days in MetaGame™.
Also, you will be seeing the progress of all other participants from all over the world. As in any sports game, the fact that we can compete with other players makes us want to achieve more and show better results and the best in us.


It makes a huge difference whether we make a promise to ourselves or to a stranger. We can constantly renegotiate with ourselves, but for some reason, we are significantly better at keeping promises to a stranger.

This is why in MetaGame™, we all have accountability partners — other participants from other cities, countries, or even continents.

You will have a brief 3–4-minute daily call with your accountability partner to report on progress and to make a promise for the next 24 hours.

You will see how much more you can achieve if you keep delivering on promises throughout MetaGame™.


To help your changes become irreversible, we prepared 13 powerful lessons that will equip you with essential knowledge and practical tools.
How to play and win the game. The main principles of achieving big goals.
Creating a vision. How champions visualize their future success, and you can too.
Internal map of reality. How to reprogram your subconscious mind for new level of success.
Success on autopilot. How to form the genius habits and succeed effortlessly.
The power of a supportive environment. Accountability that never fails.
Eliminations. How to simplify your life and win the energy back.
Learning from fear. How to turn your fear into your ally.
Nurturing faith. How to remain committed to your goals during the most challenging times.
The power of focus. How to make the law of attraction work in your life.
The foundation for success. How to make your results last indefinitely long.
Life mastery. How to turn your life into exciting adventure of constant growth.
Awareness in action. How to ensure continuous personal growth.
Celebrating the wins and awarding the winners.
All lessons are full of practical knowledge, easy to consume and highly motivational too.


To help your changes become irreversible, we prepared 13 powerful lessons that will equip you with essential knowledge and practical tools.
Lesson 1. How to play and win the game. The main principles of achieving big goals.
Lesson 2. Creating a vision. How champions visualize their future success, and you can too.
Lesson 3. Internal map of reality. How to reprogram your subconscious mind for success.
Lesson 4. Success on autopilot. How to form the genius habits and succeed effortlessly.
Lesson 5. The power of a supportive environment. Accountability that never fails.
Lesson 6. Eliminations. How to simplify your life and win the energy back.
Lesson 7. Learning from fear. How to turn your fear into your ally.
Lesson 8. Nurturing faith. How to remain committed to your goals during challenging times.
Lesson 9. The power of focus. How to make the law of attraction work in your life.
Lesson 10. The foundation for success. How to make your results last indefinitely long.
Lesson 11. Life mastery. How to turn your life into exciting adventure of constant growth.
Lesson 12. Awareness in action. How to ensure continuous personal growth.
Lesson 13. Celebrating the wins and awarding the winners.
All lessons are full of practical knowledge, easy to consume and highly motivational too.

Marci Shimoff, New York Times best selling author about Mykola Latansky


"Everybody needs a coach" — Eric Schmidt, former Google CEO
Highly successful people have long known that they need coaches in life and business. Professional sport athletes, people at the pinnacle of their game, do not go without a coach. And neither should we.

In MetaGame™, Mykola Latansky will personally coach you over the 90-day period.

The coaching is in a group format which we call coaching class. These 60–90-minute Zoom calls will happen several times a week (will be recorded for easy access).

While Mykola is working with you, all other participants listen to the session. The questions Mykola asks the coachee are usually relevant to many if not all other players. You’ll learn something new, or reinforce knowledge you already have while listening to others interact with Mykola.

In general, coaching is a way to ask questions that help us rise above our challenges and see what type of mindset, actions, or inaction led us to our current circumstances.

It may seem that we ought to be able to ask questions of ourselves with exceptional outcomes. The truth is it is almost impossible to ask yourself the challenging questions that will transform your life. And, if we could succeed without a coach or the specialized knowledge of MetaGame™, then wouldn’t we have already done it?

Even if you do not want to, are afraid to, or are very shy to ask your own questions in these coaching calls, listening to the coaching session of Mykola Latansky with other players will bring about massive shifts in your self-perception and the way you behave.

After three months of coaching with Mykola (12 coaching sessions altogether) your mindset will be radically transformed, and the way you act will rise to the next level.


We cannot stress enough how vital for achieving big goals is the highly supportive environment of players from all over the world in the closed group where you will share your wins and get helped when stuck.


The top three achievers will be awarded prizes.



Mykola Latansky will be your coach and trainer for the next three months.


Currently living in Budapest, Hungary.


Bestselling author and international speaker.


President of the Academy of True Success with headquarters in Reno, Nevada, USA, and Scotland, UK.


Mykola is the creator of the Genialism™ teaching, the Genius Inside You™ project, the School of Inquiring™, and MetaGame™.


His clientele reaches around the globe to 70+ countries on six continents.


He has spoken live in 35 countries with audiences of upwards of 1000+ people.


He is a holder of three National Book of Records Awards as the trainer with the largest audiences and broadest geography of live events in Ukraine.


He is an angel investor in Silicon Valley (MeWe corporation), participant in international open-water swimming competitions (Greece, Italy, Turkey, and Ukraine) at 1.5–6.5 km (1–4 miles) distances, and a global traveler to 80 countries.

Lisa Nichols, New York Times best selling author about Mykola Latansky


We start on February 18th
All recordings will be available in your Membership Area within 24 hours of each class with permanent access.

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Online from your computer or phone, using Zoom and Telegram (free applications).


Get Your Ticket TODAY!

90 days, 13 lessons, 12 coaching classes!




When we invest our money — especially in ourselves — we want excellent value for our investment.

In the case with MetaGame™ we offer a full money-back guarantee if after you fully participate and then find you are not satisfied.

Fully participate means you listened to all 13 lessons, did the assigned homework, attended at least one coaching session per week, had a daily call with your accountability partner, and used the scorecard daily.

If, at the end of MetaGame™ you are not satisfied with your results, contact us, and we will provide you with complete refund.
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To become a part of this exciting program, PRESS THE BUTTON BELOW to reserve your spot!


1. Is this an online program, or will we meet in person?
This is exclusively an online program.
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2. Are the recordings of the classes available?

Absolutely. All the classes are recorded and will be available in your Membership Area within 24 hours of each class with permanent access.

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3. What are the guarantees of this training program?
We offer a full money-back guarantee after the game is over and you have fully participated in it during the 90 days. “Fully participate” is explained in our “Money-Back Guarantee” section above. 
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4. Can I play with my husband, wife, child, colleague, or friend?
Yes. However, your accountability partner will be a stranger to you. This takes advantage of our natural tendency to keep our promises to others outside our spouses, partners, and friends. This also gives you a true sense of responsibility when you make a daily promise to your accountability partner.
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5. Do you offer a payment plan?
Yes. You can pay for the program in two payments of $550.
First payment is due immediately and the second payment due in 30 days. To use the payment plan chose it at the checkout page.
Copyright 2007-2025 Academy of True Success, LLC